创业中心由热情的创新者和企业家组成,他们为学生提供支持, faculty, staff, alumni, partners, sponsors, 以及三一创新生态系统的其他参与者.

Danny Briere, Executive Director


The inaugural director of the center is Danny Briere, 作为一名发明家和企业家,谁拥有40多年的经验. 他创办了多家成功的公司,包括telecchoice, which focuses on leading-edge, 高影响力的技术——他曾为200多家初创企业担任顾问. Briere has a B.A. and an M.B.A. 他毕业于杜克大学,主修公共政策和经济学. He served on the board of 杜克大学创新与创业计划 for a decade. His experiences span multiple industries, including telecom, internet technology, aerospace, alternative energy, health and medical, social networking, education tech, and youth-oriented non-profits. He holds 16 patents with several more pending.

At the policy level, Briere与大学合作支持创新生态系统, companies, and government, including in Connecticut. He was the CEO and co-founder of Startup Connecticut, 一项全州范围内帮助初创企业创造就业机会的倡议, which ultimately morphed into CTNext. 布里埃尔成功地推动了年轻人的创新, including as a longstanding board member of Connecticut’s Invention Convention 也是亨利·福特美国创新博物馆的首席创业官. He also is the co-author of more than 15 books 还有1000多篇关于电信、计算机网络和其他主题的文章.

Danny’s Book Titles on Amazon

Carlos Espinosa,社区关系和战略伙伴关系主任

Carlos Espinosa是社区关系主任 & 全球十大网赌正规平台创业中心和社区关系办公室的战略合作伙伴关系.  Carlos is 负责将该中心定位为哈特福德创新和创业生态系统中的关键利益相关者,并将全球十大网赌正规平台与哈特福德的资产联系起来. Carlos works closely with staff to build, manage, 发展与跨部门利益相关者的关系,这些利益相关者的创业优先事项与学院的使命一致,并通过应用学习机会增强中心的学术和课外项目,帮助全球十大网赌正规平台的学生拓展创新和创业思维, career experience, and professional networks.

卡洛斯于2000年8月加入全球十大网赌正规平台,担任Trinfo的负责人.咖啡厅,并担任了许多角色代表学校在社区, 包括代表学院进入Launch[H]artford的董事会, Forge City Works, Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (SINA), and the Betty Knox Foundation. Carlos Espinosa received his B.A. 1996年获得教育研究与社会学硕士学位.A. in Public Policy in 1998 from Trinity College. 

See What Carlos Built at Trinfo.Cafe


Nisha Joshee, Program Manager

妮莎·乔西是全球十大网赌正规平台创业中心的项目经理. Her responsibilities include developing, implementing, 管理创新和创业项目, 例如创新奖学金和峰会创新挑战赛, as well as other initiatives sponsored by the center. 她在高等教育领域拥有超过20年的丰富经验,包括在机构范围内的计划和项目管理, organization leadership, academic department operations, and student affairs. Collaborating with students, faculty, staff, and community, Nisha的目标是让学生能够在文科教育与创新和创业之间架起一座桥梁, 培养成为全球领导者的包容性机会.

Nisha holds an M.S. 在组织效率和领导和B.S. 特许橡树州立学院组织领导学. She is currently pursuing an M.B.A. at the University of Connecticut.

[email protected]
Trinity’s Entrepreneurship Programs


Dr. Ewa Syta, Faculty Lead

Dr. Ewa Syta,计算机科学副教授,获得博士学位.D. in Computer Science from Yale University. Prior to joining Yale, she earned her B.S. and M.S. 波兰华沙军事科技大学计算机科学与密码学硕士. 主要研究方向为计算机安全和分布式系统. 她研究的长期目标是将尖端的加密技术应用于现实世界,以塑造明天的数字世界. 她一直致力于研究有效的身份管理方法, stronger anonymous communication technologies, 实用的隐私保护认证协议, unbiasable distributed randomness protocols, 如何保持互联网当局的诚实和问责, and most recently, on blockchain technologies, and provable security for real-world protocols. 她目前的研究工作由美国国家科学基金会安全与可信赖网络空间(SaTC)媒介协作奖资助:“具有可证明安全基础的应用加密协议”.


Reid Lewis, Entrepreneurs in Residence

里德帮助学生发展他们的创新,并按照精益创业方法将他们变成创业公司,精益创业方法最初是在斯坦福大学引入的,现在由美国国家科学基金会(NSF) I-Corps在全国范围内教授. 他作为企业家的真实经验为全球十大网赌正规平台的学生提供了宝贵的背景,帮助他们拓展创新和创业思维, career experience, and professional networks.

Reid has founded, led, 并出售了几家技术公司,包括Group Logic和Proxidyne,并为更多公司提供建议,这使他能够从经验丰富的职位上提供建议.
Reid于1984年在杜克大学(Duke University)获得计算机科学学士学位,第二专业是经济学和数学.


Rick Cleary, Entrepreneurs in Residence

Rick Cleary, 85岁,是一位拥有30年高增长经验的企业家, turnaround and start-up companies in the US and SEA. 他共同创立了专业金融公司CYS,并在纽约证券交易所上市,并担任首席运营官. Before CYS, 他创办了铁山公司(NYSE:IRM)的数字档案业务, 负责汤森路透在东南亚的First Call业务. 从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业后,里克在施乐和DLJ工作.

Rick has a B.A. from Trinity and an M.B.A. 他是康奈尔大学创业金融学的兼职教授. He served on Trinity’s Board of Fellows, 作为弗吉尼亚大学建筑学院的受托人, and the Concord Conservatory of Music.